How does the Ranking Outcome Type work?

The ranking outcome type is rather complex to explain, and is best illustrated through examples. As a brief explanation, at the completion of the quiz, a user is put into a rank based on how many questions they answered correctly. The ranks are defined on a 0 - 100 scale while the quiz is being built.

For example:

0 - 20: Poor
20 - 40: Below average
40 - 60: Average
60 - 80: Good
80 - 100: Excellent

If a user scores 45 they will receive the rank of Average. If they score 83 they will receive the rank of Excellent.

Each rank must be set up by picking a low rank number (i.e. 80) and a high rank number (i.e. 100). Anyone scoring between 80 to 100 will see this outcome page at the conclusion of the quiz. These numbers are picked on the slider as illustrated below.

quizpipe ranking category setup

To ensure there are no "gaps" in the ranks where users could achieve a score that doesn't have an outcome, all numbers from 0 to 100 must be assigned to one rank.

No two ranks can contain the same number because a user should only receive one outcome at the end of their quiz. For example, this configuration would not be allowed:

0 - 25: Poor
24 - 40: Below average

Since a score of 24 or 25 could be ranked as Poor or Below average, quizpipe will not allow the ranks to be set up like this.

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